What those who have lived in Megalos would know:
Located near the Spider Net docks, just a couple blocks into the city is a great courtyard with a central statue. The story goes that one time a True Dragon came to the city, which had another name then, and demanded Gold and Meat and Virgins (hence the name) or it would lay waste to the town. It devastated the army when they attacked it, but eventually, the army prevailed and slew the dragon.
But it was a true dragon, and was reborn in the egg of one of the unintelligent dragon cows, somewhere else on the shard, and used its vast magical knowledge to grow to full size and strength very quickly. Five years after it was slain, The dragon returned. It devastated the town in revenge, and demanded far more tribute than before. For many years, the city paid the dragons tribute, and suffered greatly.
Then one day, a knight of the realm, Augustus Megalos, and His brother Erin hatched a plan. He engaged the dragon in a duel, preventing the dragon from escaping while Erin and several mages created a spell that locked them both in a time bubble. And there they are, still to this day, battling each other.
The people were so moved by his sacrifice, that they made his brother the first Emperor, which proved to be a wise decision.
Now the Empire of Megalos stretches across the shard, and has absorbed hundreds of towns and villages under its protection.
The people and places of Virgin's Square
The Dragons Statue
This is a large bronze statue of a huge flying dragon, about to be lanced through the heart by a Knight in Plate armor. Near the knight is a woman chained to a post. The entire statue is life sized, the dragon covering twenty-two yards from tip to tail and rises two full stories in height. The statue is magical, and each month the positions of the knight and dragon change slightly, as if they are fighting in very slow motion.
"Captain" Jonathos
This old and grizzled veteran seems to have a knack for finding people willing to do things that most people would consider suicidal. A lot of wealthy people contact the Captain when they want something unpleasant or dangerous done, and Jonathos then sets about finding the right people for the job. Nearly every single person in Virgin's Square owes him a favor of some sort.
Ghepettio the Gnome
This fellow is never seen without his toolbox. He is a travelling tinker who makes his rounds of the city every day, repairing and building things of wood and leather for people around the city, his prices are modest, and his skill is very high. A lot of people ask him why he doesn't open a shop, but Ghepettio prefers his daily walks and the city sights to being stuck in a room all day. He tends to give most of his profits away, to the first deserving person he encounters. Everyone knows that Ghepettio is dirt poor, despite the money he could be making.
Salmagundies Wagon
This colorful character sells various meat and fish pies and dishes from his little push cart. He sets up his cart in the center of the square by the Dragons statue. He is a good friend of Spider Braaz, and the two of them often have a drink together after sunset. Salmagundy loves gossip, and knows what everyone is doing, most of the time.
The Diamond Spider Tavern
This is a bar frequented by many of the mercenary and adventurer types in Megalos. Weapons aren't allowed inside, with the exception of daggers. Spider Braaz, the tavern owner, is probably one of the best knife fighters around. He hosts a dagger throwing contest every Tuesday, exotic dancers on Thursdays, and story telling on Saturdays.
Gillian's Fantasies in Wax
This is a candle shop run by the widow Gillian. She also makes some fairly high quality Fetishes for many of the more common spells. Gillian has never been known to leave her shop. She has two apprentices, both beautiful young girls, and she is fairly good looking in her own right. Her candles are works of art, many have mild spells put on them, mostly to create particular moods and emotions.
Korbo's Transport
Korbo runs a very successful public transportation system, the vehicles are stored in this area, next to Korbo's office. Masses of people are ferried around upon large flat-top wagons, but hansom cabs and small carriages are also available. Every regular knows that Mad Willey's cab should be avoided by everyone but the truly fearless.
The Bowels of the Earth Inn
A very interesting flophouse. Rooms and food are very cheap here, and you get what you pay for. The rooms are clean and relatively safe. The owner, Jack Hostler has a bit of a problem with a ghost, who tends to constantly be harassing him in lots of less than lethal ways. This ghost has staked a claim on Jack, and apparently is the only thing allowed to give him any problems.
Perigrins House
This man is a member of the winged folk, quite rare to be living on a shard, rather than in the Aether. He runs a boarding house with several small apartments for rent. Prices are reasonable, and tenants get supper cooked for free from a halfling cook named Thelma. If you don't give her any trouble, she won't bother you. Although his wings seem perfectly functional, Perigrin has never been known to fly.
Henry Qualidons Dry Goods
Henry's shop has a flavor perfectly suited to Virgin's Square. He sells a great many things that any adventurer or mercenary would be looking for. He sells very little in the way of magic or weapons, but he can and does outfit people with proper outdoor clothing, backpacks, rations, and the various things that make a traveling mans life a little easier. He also does a little buying and selling of "lost treasures" and "found items" on the side. He fanatically denies being a fence for stolen goods.
Saga City
The Goblin that runs this business is quite interesting. He buys and sells rumors. Trading and selling information to all who come to his shop. He is very smart, and once he has proven the extent of his useful information, will never disclose a hint or clue without payment. He has a hobgoblin associate, Genius, who is quite capable of handling the more violent patrons who want to talk to him.
Big Quimble's Smithy
A Tejas giant has made this place his home. He can make just about anything out of metal, just ask him. He must be able to back his claims, because he has several Human and Dwarven apprentices, and even the occasional Centaur will train under him. Quimble will make armor or weapons if the price is right, but such things are illegal to non-nobility for the most part. He doesn't have much use for authority, but would prefer to stay in business. Try to be discreet if that is what you are after.
(several of these locations were taken from the citybook series of gaming aids, which I HIGHLY recommend to anyone running a fantasy campaign)
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